About Us

Every family is unique! Regardless of where you are from or your upbringing – you are the only one who has lived your life, and feel the way you feel.

Becoming a parent is a challenge - and a gift. A chance to find your own way, steer your ship, make the choices that suit you and your family.

However, sometimes your own path is not all that clear!

In the beginning of my journey, there was a lot of well-meaning advice, which I tried to follow however I still questioned "why is my child doing this?" and "should I do that instead?".

More importantly though I didn't realise why at the time, "Why am I feeling this way, I should be so happy but why is this so difficult?" I second-guessed decisions which lead to feeling overwhelmed. I also felt unsupported and alone as my immediate family and old friends lived far away, my partner worked away and I was grieving a sudden death in the family, all while looking after two children under 2. It felt like living in a large ball of knotted wool.

And yet… with every thundercloud is the life-giving rain, with every key dropped down the drain begins the desire to zip up your pocket, there is always a silver lining! Yes - peeking from this situation was my desire to find the "good feeling place" during all situations and this was the beginning. Firstly, it lead me to create the class that I would have wanted to go to with my children – one where it was a safe space; private, no windows or mirrors, a sanctuary, that came alive with music and colour, games, play and moving. Something that was for all people, all shapes and sizes who could have fun together with the children and forget about everything else! Where we could move, join in, have great music, involve nature, make things, and share nutritious foods with friends. It was all about feeling better. It’s my aim that that kind of space is found within a Let’s Go Rahh Class.

We work with a range of Family support organisations to provide sessions to vulnerable, low income and or shielding families. We are so proud to have received grants from Team Beds & Luton, Sport England, Gales Trust, Local Connections Fund, The Inequalities Fund, and Central Bedfordshire Council Community Ward Fund.

So I began my journey, running trial sessions with friends, gathering feedback (every person who has attended a session has completed a survey form!). Bega District News 19.11.2013


I gained my Gym Instructor and Paediatric First aid Certificates, Membership to the relevant Fitness associations, and completed a Building Emotional Understanding Course with the excellent Hand in Hand Parenting Non-Profit Organisation.

Moving back to the UK in 2016, I continued to run low cost classes. I realised that I wanted to offer more types of sessions, classes and well-being programs that combine movement games, creativity, and play in house and as a digital course. The intentions would remain the same and aim to achieve the same goal – helping participants to feel better now. In December 2018, Let’s Get Going Community Interest Company was registered, so I could continue to offer classes and seek funding to keep the classes at a low cost to families. I have been offering them in person locally in Bedfordshire (pre-Corona Pandemic), and currently offer online classes via Zoom.

In addition I offer bespoke well-being and movement classes (Uplift) to organisations or individuals which focuses on improving mindset through movement and games. I am happy to offer support through one to one sessions, or zoom group training programs, send an email to info@letsgetgoingcic.com to set up a discovery call and see how we can work together.

My good friend and excellent illustrator Mandy Jennings initially joined as the second Director and has created the artwork for the Let’s Go Rahh!! book which complements the class. This was created so families can have some special time reading together and trying out the games and well being ideas at home. She has since moved on to other ventures, however Victoria Saunders joined the team from 2020 to 2021 bringing her business acumen, warmth and expertise to help establish connections with organisations. However she also has had to step away since January 2022. We are very pleased to welcome Roger Worrell as our new Non-Executive Director from January 2022. Welcome Roger! It's great to have you on board with your many talents. Let's see where we can go now!