Contents for Adults!
Sometimes our thoughts can sabotage our happiness, but, this is something we can shift through mindset workUplift is a 6 week, mindful movement program.
To see a video by Emma, explaining 'Uplift', please click ... HERE
"I would recommend it, change the way you think and move your body - change your life. Not just theoretical - you can feel the course at work!"
Uplift participant
To find out more
or call Emma on 07763944587
Mindful Create
When we are being creative we can focus and have time for ourselves. Join Emma in this session for adults to feel better through mindful creativity.
To find out more
or call Emma on 07763944587
Creating with the Older and Wiser of our community
Do you know anyone isolated at home? Do they like creating in some way?
They don't need to have access to zoom and still join in! A craft pack is posted out to them and they can either create items for themselves, or they can craft items to be used by the families in our 'Let's Go Rahh!' class. All materials posted and collected.
To find out more
or call Emma on 07763944587.
Here is the form to register your interest
Parent Support
Regular drop in session with occasional guest speakers, offering guidance on self-care and support for parents and families.
'Parent Support' is a time for adults to share, vent and learn.
"...creates a sense of community where we are seeing familiar faces, something that is important for both parents and children!"
Parent Support Participant
To find out more
or call Emma on 07763944587
Take a look at our timetable below!