Christmas Wreaths in our Monday Creative Clubs!
On Monday the 'Let's Create club' and 'Wise Creative Club' joined us and made the most incredible Christmas wreaths! ?
The wreath session was amazing- both sessions were so fun and just look at the results!!
Foliage from my garden, have a go attitude, have fun and a cup of tea!
People who we met at the 'Sandy Christmas Lights Switch On' have joined our group and have been making incredible creations!
Sandy Baptist Church, 1 Kings Road Sandy, SG19 1EJ
Wise Creative Club - a club for older people who may be isolated at home. Someone who enjoys arts craft and creativity ?
1.30 - 3.00pm
With tea and coffee provided, you can create to take home or to help out 'Let's Get Going'.
Let's Create is a new and in-person creativity craft session for local families in Sandy! Fun, family-friendly creative projects and games inspired by nature!
3.30 - 5.00pm
£4.00 per family OR Book 6 sessions for £20.00
Sandy Christmas Lights Switch On!
Thank you to everyone who came to our stall at the 'Sandy Christmas Lights Switch On' !
We sold over 73 items - decorations, Christmas trees, create your own packs - and raised OVER £100.00!
It was also lovely to see the Christmas angel and one of the Sandy Lights Princesses at our stall!
It was absolutely lovely to meet all of you and have conversations about our work and classes! Looking forward to seeing you in sessions!
Thanks to the Sandy Town Council and the 'Friends of Sandy Christmas Lights Committee' for putting on an amazing event!
Also, we must say another massive thank you to everyone who created all of the items that were sold!
Such a flurry of sewing, sticking, felt, ribbon, buttons, tea, threads and stuffing and more tea, with a sprinkling of chiquitita on top!
All funds will go towards running more sessions of moving, creating, and having fun for all ages in Central Bedfordshire. Next fundraising stall is on 11.12.21 ! Come and meet us there!
Look at our Fabulous Pumpkin Creations!!
Wonderful original works from young and old. These have been created either in our Craft Clubs (Mondays 3.30 - 5.00 pm in Sandy), or at home, or at our other venues working with families and also older folk. We had many shops involved in the Pumpkin Trail, and over 40 families took part!!
One thing is for sure, our pumpkins are original and say so much about the creator, that is why we do what we do! They are all different, and so are we! For more pictures see the collages below.
Thank you to everyone who came! Watch out for more information about what's going on in Sandy to help you move, connect with others, enjoy nature, have fun and feel good!
We love seeing our pumpkins in shop windows. As you can see all of Our Pumpkins have a little yellow sun on them, like in our logo, these help you know they are part of our trail!
Above are some of the winners from the pumpkin trail collecting their prizes
A huge thank you to Xtreme 360 in St Neots for again, matching our 2 x 2-hour jump prize so a group of 4 can enjoy a 2-hour trampolining session! We love moving and having fun! So thank you, David, Lisa and the team at Xtreme 360!
Our other prizes include books, craft materials, special kits and games. I'm not giving too much away as we have the Snowman Trail next if you want to know more about the prizes make sure you enter and find out!
Sandy Community Fun Day 22.08.21
Well, the day came and what an event?!
Over 15 organisations were involved at the Fun day. All local instructors, or community groups came to set up their stall and meet the community. They came to talk to the people that actually live here! It's all about connection. Every time I looked up (took breath as if you know me I do like a chat!), every stall holder had people talking, doing or moving but it's all connecting. We have had such a long drawn out isolated time. We are used to being inside. It's so nice to be able to come out and connect for the enjoyment on the day.
The Lions Club had a great day, with lucky dip and skittles fun games for all ages, and a chance to meet and share what they do all year round, always helping people, new projects doing what they can in their community.
(Find out more about The Lions Club here)
Cortex Crossfit MaryKate - a phenomenal woman! Running her fitness challenges and encouraging both adults and children to have a go, with a 'yes you can!' gentle and fun way to 'just try it!'
(Find out more about Cortex Crossfit here)
Sandy Cricket Club - had a large area with a practice net, bright hurdles to jump over, bats and balls and all sorts of equipment, it looked so inviting!! I loved hearing the exciting news and opportunities for those that play cricket, girl cricket and even a new opportunity that might be on the cards...!
(Find out more about Sandy Cricket Club here)
Thank you to everyone who came, and watch out for more information about what's going on in Sandy to help you move, connect with others, enjoy nature, have fun and feel good!
Sandy Scouts
Providing hot dogs, burgers and cups of tea!! They are always there, providing great life skills for kids and teenagers. It's not just what they do for children, there are so many ways being part of the Scouts, can be rewarding. there are all sorts of 'behind the scenes' help they need all year round. Here they have a beautiful assortment of home comforts, cushions, candles smelling divine in their fundraising tent. I didn't want to leave! Lovely chatting with you ladies and thank you for coming.
Strong girl Fitness Fundraising tent!
Strong girl fitness gave expert advice and held challenges all day with those brave enough to give it a go! Here’s a picture of Morgan in the challenge - tensions were high! So excited to hear about all of the sessions they run in Biggleswade . their small group sessions for those just getting back into fitness, or the Bootcamp and 121 sessions depending on what suits you. So lucky to have this on our doorstep! Thanks for sharing all that you do Steph!
Vibrance Sound experience
Kay is a formidable woman. Just have a chat with her and you'll find out! She was offering drumming and sound therapy sessions for people to experience. There are many studies now coming out supporting the powerful effect music, and in particular vibration has on the body. She is offering sessions in Sandy and Biggleswade.
Asahi Shotokan Karate
Asahi Shotokan Karate have been running sessions in Sandy for 31 years! So pleased they could join us and see the Samuri Mask in real life! I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your future sessions Richard!
(Find out more about them here )
Sandy Women's Institute
Books and handicrafts available to buy, however the most important thing again was finding out what they do, how you can join, and when they meet all year round
Sandy and Biggleswade Lions
Sandy & Biggleswade Lions club, skittles are always a big hit! Being part of something bigger, helping where you can, meeting others and maybe trying something new.
Lions Club, Asahi Shotokan Karate and Cricket in the background
Mary Kate from CTC Crossfit guiding young Poppy! She runs, kids and teenagers classes every week in Sandy - did you know?! As well as running adult sessions.
YEY GO ON DAD!! Mary Kate again coaching, encouraging and he did it! Lovely cheering kids love to see the grown ups doing this as well - makes them want to do it!
The Strong Girl Fitness Challenge in action!!
Looks like a lot of talking going on, but did you know the young lady want's to be a Paramedic? She was a little nervous but who better to ask questions than the Ambulance Response Service that came to the event? It's a gentle chat that might be the start of something who knows what can happen?
The last game of Sandy by the sea moved into a new version created by the participant! As always with Let's get Going games we go with the play and see what happens! Thank you Coral and Morgan for helping me instruct.
Thank you Tara and Michelle!
Friends! How lovely are our friends? Tara and Michelle are so funny, witty and gave a wonderful commentary on the day! Thank you ladies!
One of the winners of the Sunflower Trail receiving her prize!
Squirrel's are joining us at the Sandy Craft Market 31.05.21
This was so exciting. One member of our Uplift course, loves Squirrels. She feeds them, cares for them and as you can imagine this is a particular gift not many people can connect with wild animals in such a gentle way. We were preparing for the craft market and stumbled into the photographs create by Geert Weggen which as you many know are outstanding. He closely follows squirrels watching, listening and captures their mischief in his photographs. Thanks to a few email exchanges we created some squirrel cards some decorated by Uplift participants for sale at the market and thanks to the success they will be available online. This wouldn't have been possible without the support form Geert so we are thankful to him.
For more information contact
Let's Create, Parent Support, Uplift and the Older and Wiser Project receives funding
These programs have been offered to our community thanks to the Local Connections Fund. We have been able to offer sessions, support, fun and wellbeing tools thanks to the funding we have received. supporting and connecting with others at this time has been so helpful for many, either isolated because of age, mobility, pre existing health conditions or pregnancy and taking extra care. However, lets not suffer alone and become lonely. Thanks to the Community Fund we have been able to run the programs and will continue to expand our network, offer sessions that are useful and relevant to the people seeking them. So thank you from us!
A few pictures from the Let's create sessions are below, however these photos do not do capture the fun we had during the creative process - you really had to be there!
Celebratory sun picture... the magic is in the process
Moving car
Making the Timer!
Creating our own sorting box
Thank you Margaret!
Our lovely Margaret, the first older and Wiser to join the project. Happily created 'Luke' the pony, a pack of notelets and also decorated some of our squirrel cards. Since joining the scheme she has found new knitting patterns, is already on to Horse #2 which will have a detachable rosette, and I'm told some little chicks may be on the way as well! We are delighted to have Margaret join us and we both get a lot out of discussing what we need to make, the game it will will be used for and a natter about how things are going. We were really pleased to receive some giant lily pads created by another clever lady who likes sewing.
She doesn't have much time to spare but she was happy to create some for our frog game and that's perfect!
We were really lucky to receive a large donation of craft materials from J Hughes which will be shared between the older and Wiser craft activities and the families in need. We will be posting photos of what is created for you to see, so thank you from all of us!
Uplift! The movement mindset course
Thanks to funding from the Local Connections Fund and support from Community Catalysts, we were able to run the 6 week Uplift mindset and movement course for vulnerable and or shielding women, including sending them the prop pack which is an integral part of the course. This helped people from the NHS ELFT, Women's refuge within the Bedfordshire area and other individuals. We are so pleased this has been possible. Uplift is a gentle way for people to feel good about themselves, their body and gives new tools and strategies to choose better feeling thoughts, and create a desire to move more, connect with nature and know how to turn things in an upward direction when you notice things are starting to dip. At the end of the 6 week course, the participants noted a significant change in their approach to anxiety and found they are feeling much more positive. Some have even got involved in our craft projects and created some beautiful cards that were on sale at the Sandy Craft market.
When asked after attending the Uplift course are you feeling differently towards exercise / moving?
"I can see that exercise and moving doesn't have to be PE, it doesn't have to be £40 leggings and it definitely doesn't have to be #GAINS. It can be moving around and using my mind, my body ....... being intentional, making myself laugh and genuinely enjoying the movement my body is capable of " - Uplift Participant
Easter Bunny Trail and Quiz for Sandy Town Centre April 2021
Over 60 families joined in the fun of the Easter Trail and quiz created by yours truly! We created 3 different trails for different age groups - 0-5's, 6-11 years and 12-16 year olds. The trail and questions related to Sandy Town, seeking bunnies and also adding a bit of pazzazz. How exciting to be able to create such fun over Easter! The bunnies had scampered about in over 11 of the Sandy Town Centre Businesses - little tykes! So our bunny seekers had to spot where they were and note them on the quiz sheets amongst other things.
Some of the participants sent in their art work which you can find here.
We worked with Sandy Town Centre Group and Sandy Town Council to make this happen.
We are getting ready to run a summer trail in August, so watch out for news of the Sandy Sunflower Trail.
Just the right size for me - at All Seasons!
Popping into the Chemist
Dining at Pecoro's
At the Post Office
December 2020
A celebratory post summarising what has been happening at LGG headquarters;
20 Creative Craft packs were delivered to families in need in Bedfordshire.
Local Courier company TT Couriers in Biggleswade kindly delivered the packs to one Charity to make sure all the craft kits got to the families in one piece. They were delivered on Monday 21st December - Merry Christmas kids and thank you to all at TT Couriers.
Funding has been received to offer Let's Go Rahh Sessions free for shielding/ low income households! Starting back 5th January on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 - 11.00am.
A big thank you to team Beds& Luton and Sport England for this.
Spare NHS Bags were donated to be used for our Spring Craft Packs! Thankyou Sewing Bedfordshire Team.
Let's Get Going is finally moving to a formal booking system and will have direct links to play information, stories, classes, parent chat sessions and much more all in one place - at last!
We are preparing for our UPLIFT active well-being Program for adults to run in January, I am so looking forward to this.
Really excited to join the Community Catalysts, Locality Network and Children's Activity Association and Club Hub so sharing what we do so people can find us and join in our classes.
Also, I'm looking forward to regular updates here, on our website and our Let's Go Rahh Page.
Happy Birthday Let's Get Going!! December 10th was our second birthday. Still lots to learn and do, but we are getting there!
For now, thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way, take care of yourself and all your friends and family this Christmas!! Best wishes and looking forward to all of what 2021 can bring! 😊
Let's Get Going receives funding!
We are a new Company, a Community Interest Company which means we are committed to running our workshops, courses, or one to one sessions and all profits go back into the business helping people. It has been daunting networking and getting sessions up and running, however during the first 18 months we have been lucky enough to receive 4 grants to help us on our way!
Team Beds and Luton ran an excellent seminar Fit for Funding - to help small Sporting Clubs and Community Groups. This was pivotal for Let's Get Going and accessing funding sources, so a big thanks to all of the Team for their guidance and expertise. Bedford Borough Speed Networking event enabled us to meet a lot of local organisations and help start the ball rolling.
Central Bedfordshire Council's Ward Councillor Grant was also received to help set up the Sandy sessions of Let's Go Rahh!! Funds were received to help with the development of the Website and equipment used to run the local sessions on a Monday in the Church rooms. At present, these sessions are not running face to face due to Covid, however during lock down they were running every day to help families for free- doing our little bit to keep going and help others. Currently Let's Go Rahh!! sessions are being held twice a week via zoom, for more information see our Let's Go Rahh!! page Let's Go Rahh!! .
Funding was received from Sport England to conduct a 10 week project of exercise games for a group of vulnerable women and their children connected two women's refuges within Central Bedfordshire. The project had been trialed and developed with refuge management and residents and involved active games, nutrition and well being. Unfortunately the active session is on hold due to the Corona virus. Further training is being sought in the hope we can run the program following Government Guidelines, or if not the program will happen when restrictions ease and we can look forward to raising the heart rate of participants when they will laugh, sweat, get into all sorts of shapes with uplifting music! In the mean time we donated a well loved bicycle to one refuge to be used - first getting it checked out by Lewis from Halfords. We were happy to make sure the bike is safe and in good working order and has a pump in case of punctures, this can be shared by families with children aged 10-13.
The project also involved running a creativity session with the families each week. This wasn't able to happen face to face because of the virus. However, over 25 craft packs were assembled and delivered to the refuges for families and also single women. The pack contains items like home made bubble mixture and bubble wands, create your own wooden family with coconut shell house, drawing pad, chalks and air drying clay. All items were funded through the generous gift received from Gales Family Trust, who donated money specifically for creativity projects for women and children. One other kind feature was the donation of locally grown - one large bag has been shared amongst the families as Lavender is well known for its' calming and soothing benefits.