Featured Creatives
Jane Hossington
Here is a message from a lady I met recently, she was introduced to me because she does the most 'amazing needlework'. This lady is remarkable. Her needlework, art projects, nature and the choir all help her mental health.
Her work really takes your breath away. She kindly has written her view of how creating reduces the negative mindset and helps her feel connected.
In Jane's words.... 💬
" I first started painting funnily enough when I first became ill in 1995. I was inspired by the now fallen tv artist Rolf Harris saying that anyone can paint. So I gave it a try. When I was sectioned I took occupational therapy classes where I did painting and pottery. I even had singing lessons. Which is another big part of helping with my mental health. Singing and music. I sang in the school assembly choir whilst at school. When my boys were little I embarked on a city and guilds floral art course. I loved it and I'm pleased to say I passed. I did flower shows and had my own dried flower business which I had to give up when I divorced.
After I came out of hospital the last time I went to a local art class and was told I could draw. So then I joined an art club and did a basic drawing course which I passed and got a merit. I started doing tapestries and went to an embroidery class and remembered what my nan had taught me; she taught me how to crochet too. I've found that art and crafting have helped me this year through the lockdowns, as well as singing I belong to St Swithuns church choir."
- Jane Hossington 💬